Wednesday, December 19, 2007

1996 Junior Varsity U-High Girl's Basketball

JV Girl’s Basketball 1996-1997
Coach: Joyce Stiles


Alex Brady
Bridget English
Catherine Chandler
Colleen English
Emily Vaughan
Katey Schein
Logan McBride
Margaret Stigler
Nina Holbrook
Rebecca Zemans
Sara Carrasco
Sarah Geis
Sarah Schlessinger
Sheila Carrasco
Tai Duncan

Record: ISL 12-0, ISL Champions! 17-3 Over-All

Player Statistics:

Most Valuable Field Goal Shooters: Catherine Chandler, Nina Holbrook, and Alex Brady
Most Valuable Free Throw Shooters: Margaret Stigler and Tai Duncan
Most Valuable “3” point Shooter: As a team we attempted 10 and made 0
Most Valuable Rebounder: Alex Brady
Leader with Assists: Catherine Chandler
Least Amount of Turn-Overs: Emily Vaughan
Player with the Most Steals: Alex Brady
Season Most Valuable Player: Alex Brady

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